Thank you
@DavidKFla for posting up Kate's Win!
Thank you
@Hunter I was not able to attend

, but Kate called me during the race to let me know how she was doing and some news from the track!
Kate calls me up and tells (once again) She got runner up 2nd in bracket.
Kate, you have to stop this 2nd place stuff, your muscle memory is stuck on 2nd! ( I can't tell you how many times she does that) Kate you need to say Eff it and go have Fun and Win 1st placeand she did! Kate is really good on the light and also on dialing in for the ET number! Later I got a text on how she did in her 11.50 class . ( Calling was kinda of hard at that time because, she was pitted next to Jeff Turk with his very loud BlackBird ) 1st Place she won the 11.50 class...WTG Kate!
The Cherry on Top was Winning "Queen of the Hill" She snapped video called me and said before you read on Facebook I want you to know in her words - "QUEEN. OF. THE. HILL. BABY!!! "
To think all she just wanted a "Twin Win" But got to be the Top Winner!!!!
@Hunter , I am very proud Mom of Kate's accomplishment!
I am very proud of Kate!