what i have learned unfortunately with a 1000 rwhp car it does not work to try to use a drag radial on a 20-inch street rim, drive to the track, not change tires, and expect to get down the track with 20 inch drag radials. If you have access to hp tuners have a tune for the street in which you limit torque output and timing by a lot on wot. I reduced my timing on e85 to a high of 11 or so at high rpm and it is lower than that for other rpms. But the car is drivable even at wot. Actually, fun and controllable. Now if you only drive the car once in a while on the street in sunny warm dry climates by all means keep your hot tune in there with your sticky Mickeys and have fun. I think that is unholys MO.
For me I have 94K on my car so obviously I drive it alot. So I will go for the 30.4-inch mickeys, get them mounted on the 17 inch bead locks, change tires, uyyy!!!, turn on the 21 degree advance tune, and get down the track. I have front runners. But I may leave those off and just tell myself what ever time I get subtract about .05 to .1 as the time I could of gotten with my front runners.