I really should not have expressed what I really think while the camera was recording. You know me pretty well, you can imagine what I was saying when he just would not signal. All of us “A” group were miffed that for ALL the afternoon sessions we were grouped up with the “B” group and required the “contract” to pass them. Some had no idea how fast we were coming up on them. FYI Gary Curtis and nearly all the instructors have quit, were not there and are up to forming their own instructional group. Even the flag stations were not up and working. If they were manned, it was BS. That made the final lap of the first session a bit unsafe in that straight, when the fluid was dumped. I know the ACR was behind him and he about had a big problem he told me. I was passing everyone on the right, until I saw about 20 people leaning over the wall waving to us! So at about a buck fifty, I backed her down real quick.
I could not believe they let that shit sit on the track.