Ya'll gotta get rid of that idiot Trudeau first. He resigned, what's he even doing making decisions?
Speedy the day I understand politics will be the day I stop drinking beer
What is going on here is very similar to the Biden / K Harris deal in the US
Trudeau s ratings are in the toilet
So the Liberals are replacing him Sunday with what looks like a banker named Mark Carney
He is another far left climate change pylon that will take our money to change the planet weather
After Sunday Mar 9 Sock boy Trudeau s last day he basically has 2 weeks to FO
Then the opposition which is the Conservatives can call a non confidence vote
Depending on this outcome ??? We will have an election between Mar 24 & mid Oct 2025
Tell me how this idiot can sign agreements for the next 4 years when he stepped aside ?
Trump hates him with a passion
I think this is why LOL