@16GoManGoHC2 was going to do a bench test of the two rails to see if a mechanical difference could be determined but it's been an interesting experiment.
Assuming that you can actually feel this and it is not a sampling rate error this is a tuning issue. It is a very common problem that we see with cars tuned elsewhere.
3. If your tuner is reputable with this platform he will be busy. It is not unusual for me to be 2-3 weeks behind in responding with revisions. I start email tuning revisions first thing in the morning and limit my time to 3 hours. I then go to the shop and tune cars on the dyno the remainder of the day. I leave the evenings and weekends for work around the house and family. I always list my expected response times in my email signature for my customers but that is all I can offer.[/QUOTE]
RE verse HC fuel rail pressure verse output voltage test comparison still on my to do list. Ported RE rails do do better with more equal trims bank 1 to Bank 2 then ported HC rails do. Both do better with porting then stock but RE rails really see good results especially on the Drivers side rail. Had a recent customer chasing a fuel issue send me his rails and he gained 15% inj duty cycle back from porting his rails.
On the Yes, can actually feel it, see it on HP T log, and see it on Draggy runs even between the 3-4 shift and at the top of 4th cuts right around the 130 mark.
Here it is fixed by
@jonx96 , gained me a 1/2 second on my 60-130 times. Took care of it within an hour of contacting him. I don’t know how people can wait 2-3 weeks for a reply or revision, summer would be over by the time one is tuned.
New Personal Best 60-130!!
@jonx96 your #1
Clean at the shift now!! Making some steam even at low timing, she’s got more in her for sure!! THANKS JON!