They were very close a few times. Thanks for the intro, I really like him and the others with him. They had two Camaros. We may have had fun Sunday, they were one or two behind me in that initial grid up (me #1) when they combined groups. They must have got held up, because the lap b4 disaster I let a Turbo Porsche through, then everyone was not even in the rear mirror as I looked b4 the last trip through #4.
I’ll tell everyone that on Sunday I ran the Pirelli PZ4 305/35 rears that came in the car and a pair of Pilot Sport fronts up front. Don’t say anything, there was a method to my madness, and it felt great. Those rear tires were particularly impressive IMO. The data I see in a couple of the sectors and speeds indicate I could have pulled some good times with that setup too. Maybe we are being unfair to Pirelli? They sure make a variety of sizes that could help! Again, maybe they don’t work well for drag racing, but they were not that bad IMO. I’ll be trying that setup again at a track near me

just out of curiosity.