What is your verdict? Hard to tell with different tracks?
Hey Bull, you must've taken dramamine!
Yes, those AAD upper control arms (UCAs) with the Spheriflex bushings. They are the ticket, but I recommend if doing autocross or road course, get the shorter ones to allow more negative camber. These are max'd and I think another -0.5° of neg camber would be better on my car with my driving style. They are a game changer for keeping the front geometry stable and not killing tires. With DGatzby's help I am about to the sweet spot for alignment and thus peak tire wear. I am going to set front toe closer to zero for Sebring next month.
The installation of those fronts are a PIA, unless there is a way to get to the rear mounting nuts I haven't found. They are a challenge to get to.
So as far as the two tracks- it is said Sebring has the most elevation change in the nation, but it is all 2" at a time. Man it is a rough track. I have watched well set up race Porsches in turn 17 with inside front tires bouncing 3-4" off the track. Homestead in comparison is glassy smooth, except for the dip in turn 10.
The Sebring video is my fastest captured lap so far, but I had driven the 315/35 PS4Ss there with the OE UCAs and in a weekend destroyed the outer shoulder of the new tires. (In comparison, the previous best with summer P-Zeros and OE UCAs was 8 seconds slower, but experience played a roll too) I then drove the 24 hrs of Daytona course for a weekend and had to flip the tires on the rims to be able to complete the weekend there, which destroyed the formerly inside shoulders, still with the OE UCAs. Bad choice, but that is what I did. So the OCT 21 Sebring video is with those tires missing a good inch of the inside and outside of the tread, but with the AAD bits installed and picked up a second over the previous best.
I know, buy tires! Well at about $2200 a set installed, I can only do that so often.
The Homestead video is with the AAD UCAs and new 315/30 PS4Ss installed, and more experience. The /35s raise the car a bit and I feel the /30s work way better on this car. These 315/30s are shorter than stock size, so lower the car slightly and unfortunately cause the speedo to be ~2-3 mph faster than actual. But man they work better, especially with the AAD pieces up front. The car is much more stable and more planted on track at speed. I had only driven Homestead one day prior, and that day was in a rental car, so still new to the track. It will be a good test next month if I can make Sebring with fairly fresh tires and the rear bits installed. Only variable at the test is I am getting more comfortable with the car on track, but it should be a significant improvement. There are some high speed turns on Sebring that are a little unnerving if the car feels skaty. It will be interesting to see if the lap times pick up significantly. Most folks that drive these cars will never know what they are capable of, and that's a shame. I have read many times about how awful these 4700lb cars are on track, and I know there are much better track cars and physics proves it. The C7 Z06 with Cup 2s I was keeping in sight weighs 3100lbs. But I am having a blast, the cars are beautiful and sound fantastic, so I'm good! My right front tire suffered the most, but still not bad after a full weekend. The right front is the tire with the most pics and wear. The left rear for comparison, but this like most tracks is left turns so rough on right side tires. Hopefully as the shoulder wear gets down to solid rubber they will last a while.